Crescent Hill Baptist Church
Advent Meditations
(writers listed in order of appearance in booklet)
see also: alphabethical listing of authors
(editor; artists)
- 1975 (The first edition) ( James W. Cox, Mary Julia Augenstein, Arnold Epley, Bobbye Shipp)
(editor: Jerry Keyes; artist: )
(Advent committee: Jerry Keyes, Betty Burhans, Maralee English, Judy Hagan, Nina Pollard, Andy Rawls, Mary Frances Owens)
(Staff: John E. Howell, Pastor; William C. Treadwell, Minister of Education-Administration; Linda M Epley, Minister of Music-Organist; Boyd Preston, Associate Pastor for Community Ministries; William Fulkerson, Pastor, Portland-Bridge Mission)
- 1976 (Evelyn Stagg, Paul Debusman, Vera Peterson, Keyes Tate)
(editor: Advent committee)
- 1977 (Bill Amos, Wendell Arnett, Blanche Goetzman, Harriett Conn)
(editor: Special Seasons Committee; pastor: John Howell)
- 1978 (Darrell Adams, Jacque Culpepper, Carol Yearwood, Bill Leonard)
(editor:Special Seasons Committee; pastor: John Howell)
- 1979 (Nancy Foil, Bob Kilgore, John Edgar, Kay Shurden)
(editor: Dwight Cobb; artists: Dwight Cobb, Nancy Foil)
- 1980 (Bill Thomason, John Arnett, Jo Ayscue, Denise George)
(editor: ; artist: Dwight Cobb)
- 1981 (Paul Duke, Windy Barker, Nancy Drown Allen, Daniel Aleshire)
(editor: ?)
- 1982 (Lewis Miller, Betty Cook, Judy King, Mike Allen)
(editor: Dwight Cobb; artists: Dwight Cobb, Nancy Foil)
- 1983 (Jerry Keyes x 2, Janet Tharpe, Roger Murchison, Denise George x 2, Margaret Graves x 2, John Joseph Owens x 2, Wesley Edwards x 2, Helen Barnette, Keyes Tate x 2, Marjorie Powers, Michael Willett, Sara Jo Hooper x 2, Marcia Hemingway, Mary Zimmer, Mary Frances Owens, Jackie Pendergraph, Paul Debusman, Randall Powers, Cherrie Williams, Amy Keys, Bill Leonard)
(editor: Dwight Cobb; artists: Dwight Cobb, Nancy Foil)
- 1984 (Mary Ann Bootes, Frank Brooks, Betty Cook, Jackie Pendergraph, O. C. Jordan, Rollin Burhans, Ruth Ouzts, Mary Frances Owens, Jeff Roberts, Cathy Bowman, Blanche Goetzman, Clara Annis McCartt, Henry B. Huff, Gladys Henderson, John Burd, Margaret Murchison, John Joseph Owens, Mark Mulloy, Judy Pfannenschmidt Johnson, Ginger Fry Arnold, Mary J. Augenstein, Linda Mulloy, Rodger Murchison, Margaret Keyes Tate)
(editor: Worship Committee ; artist: )
- 1985 (Sharleen Matter, Marianne Taylor, Fay Leach, Melissa Bootes, Jeff Hieb, Charles Hagan, Elaine Parker, Jeanette Christian, Sue Enoch, Sharon Smith, Sarah Paulk, Dale Moody, Wes Lites, Janet Tharpe, Steve Shoemaker, Jane Webb, John Arnett, Judy Johnson, Nick Foster, Ginger Arnold, Margaret Murchison, Wesley Edwards, Dorothy Waters, Cherie Williams, Sara Jo Hooper, Keyes Tate)
(editors: Sharon Smith, Wes Lites, Jane Webb; artists: Jenny Aleshire, Will Courtney, Adam Hester, Michael Seiffertt, Mark Soder)
- 1986 (Elaine Parker, Fay Leach, Cherie Williams, John McTyre, Scott Royal, Leila Routh Arnett, Dorothy Waters, Eleanor Nutt, Jane Webb, Kevin Rainwater, Lyle Edwards, Lois Hendricks, Diane Catsban, Sue Enoch, Janet G. Tharpe, Marty Willoughby, Annie Hammon, Nancy B. Mowery, Sarah Jo Lyon Hooper, Mildred Burch, Lelia Gentle, Mark H. Reynolds, Sharon Smith, Mary J. Augenstein, Mary Ann Bootes, John Arnett, H. Stephen Shoemaker, Sarah Jo Hooper)
(editor: Sharon Smith, Jane Webb; artist: Wyc Rountree)
- 1987 (Holli and Kevin Rainwater, Chris Egbert, Nick Foster, Margaret Graves, Leslie Kendrick, John Styron, Sharon Smith, Sara Jo Hooper, Chuck Leach, Lyle Edwards, Annie Hammon, Debbie Brashear, Erin Culpepper, Mary Zimmer, Deke Slaton, Cherie Williams, Patricia Egbert, Jane Webb, Clara McCartt, Daven Kari, Stephen Shoemaker, Carolyn Seiffertt, Phil Howell, Kim Christman, Penny Laughlin, Sue Enoch, Ragan Courtney)
(editors: Sharon Smith, Sue Enoch)
- 1988 (Paul Debusman, William Hendricks, Annie Hammon, Jackie Pendergraph, Alleen Nolan, Holli Rainwater, Bill Leonard, Wesley Edwards, Patricia Powell-Egbert, Edie Sommer, Lyle Edwards, Jan Richardson, Diane Layton, Chuck Leach, Janet Tharpe, Elaine Parker, Jane Childress, Blanche Goetzman, Will Courtney, Christi Schmidt, Kevin Rainwater, Keyes Tate, David Shoemaker, Lewis Miller, Sarah Garland)
(editors: Holli Rainwater, Jan Richardson; artists: David Shoemaker, Carolyn Waters, Laura Adams, John Garland, Bennett Duckworth, Jenny Aleshire, Sarah Garland, Ryan Kiser, Elisabeth Taylor)
- 1989 (Dorothy Waters, Laura Lea Duckworth, Beth Ryan, William L. Hendricks, Michelle Tupper, Fritz Gutwein, Ronald L. Loughry, Paul Harris, Susie Corlett, Elaine Parker, Nina Pollard, Lydia Bean, Lewis Miller, Deke Slaton, Janet G. Tharpe, Peggy Hester, Mary Zimmer, Nancy Kiker Bean, Robert Mark Causey, John Styron, Wesley Edwards, Sara Jo Hooper, Sharleen Johnson Birkimer, Paul M. Debusman, Rhonda Slaton, David Mears, Cherie Williams, Viola F. Crismon, Caroline M. Noel, Betty Cook, Annie B. Hammon, Sharon Smith, Hollie Rainwater, Bob Brocious, Charles D. Gregory, Don Polaski)
(editors: Annie & Chris Hammon, Beth & Charles Gregory)
(artists: Sue Enoch, Brooke Burhans, Margot McCall, Nicholas Brashear, Tina Bellou, John Gedmark, Vanessa Chipe, James Graves)
- 1990 (This was the 15th anniversary issue and consisted of 36 meditations selected from the previous fourteen years. The introductory comments of the editors are the only selections uploaded at this site.)
(editor: Janet Tharpe and Linda Mudd ; artist: ?)
- 1991: There does not appear to have been an advent booklet this year.
- 1992 (Bill Thomason, Janet Hoomes [now Cole], Ginger Miller, Janet Tharpe, Diana Garland, Elaine Parker [now Akin], Darrell Adams, Mary Zimmer, Marv Knox, Rick Forest, Bill Rogers, Christi Schmidt, Sue Corlett, Paul Debusman, Lewis Miller, Bobbie Thomason, Colleen Burroughs, Leila Routh Arnett, Beth Ryan, Deke Slaton, Bill Thomason, Lyle Edwards, Bobbie Thomason, Elaine Parker, Mary Ann Bootes, Sharon Smith, Becky England, Hannah Ryan)
(editors: Becky England, Sharon Smith, Janet Tharpe, Bill Thomason)
(artist: Lou Ann Iler)
- 1993(Walter Wangerin Jr, Sharleen Birkimer, Nick Brashear, Matthew Brashear, Debbie Brashear, Wesley Edwards, Elizabeth Sorrell, Nina Pollard, Elaine Parker, Walter Wangerin Jr, Tom Scott, Mary Anne Crane, Bob Brocious, Leslie Kendrick, Beth Ryan, Lewis Miller, Walter Wangerin Jr, Lelia Gentle, Bobbie Thomason, William Hendricks, Micah Wilkinson, Phyllis Skonicki, Marv Knox, Betty Cook, Walter Wangerin Jr, Mary Zimmer, Francine Todd, Lou Ann Iler, Bill Thomason, Janet Tharpe, Walter Wangerin Jr)
(editor: Janet Tharpe; artist: Colleen Burroughs)
- 1994 (Ray Schnur, Betty Cook, David Barnett, Mary Zimmer, Doug McCall, Cindy Ralston, Janet Tharpe, Elaine Parker, Sharleen Birkimer, Lewis Miller, Malinda Fillingim x 3, Hannah Ryan, Sheryl Sisk, Gaye Rountree, Maureen O\'Connor, Joseph Goldammer, Donna Barnett x 3, Beth Ryan, Peggy Schmidt, Lelia Gentle, Bill Thomason x 3, Pam Ratcliffe, Marv Knox, Jana Brocious, Lindsay Knox, William Hendricks, Wesley Edwards, Marjorie Ash, Beth Wade, Tracy Black, Bobbie Thomason x 2, Chuck Leach)
(editor: Bill Thomason; artist: Beth Ryan)
- 1995 (Dwight Cobb remembrances: Paula Roberts, James Pollard, Nicholas Laughlin, Betty & Ed Thornton, Betty Cook and June & Roy Honeycutt; Preface: Jim Stone; writers: Mildred Burch, Kathryn Chapman, Edward Thornton, Luwilda Rogers, Bob Cunningham, Sharleen Birkimer, W. Dennis Tucker, Meme Tunnell, Cannan Hyde, Mary Gutwein, Leila Arnett, Maureen O\'Connor, Jim George, Anne Claypool, Janet Miller, Malinda Fillingim, Mary Zimmer, Ted Hodge, Paul Debusman, Beth Wade, Janet Tharpe, Bobbie Thomason, Sheryl Sisk, Cate McCall, Rick Forest, Wesley Stewart, Bill Thomason, Jackie Pendergraph, Bill Mowery, Jo Vaughn, Cannan Hyde, Emily Mulloy, Peggy Schmidt, Mary Ann Bootes, Beth Ryan)
(editors: Bill Thomason, Pam Ratcliffe, Janet Tharpe; artist: Glynda Stone)
- 1995 (Children\'s Edition) (Mark McClintock, Mike Cavalcante, Lauren Ford, Emily Mulloy, Micah Andrew Karwan, Sean Bailey, Hannah Ryan, Grant Roberts, Clayton Williams, Johanne Bennie, Linnea Duckworth, Sarah Dalton, Kimberly Waters, Daniel Gentle, Michael Seiffertt, Brittani George, Lauren Scott, Leslie Conver, Lindsay Knox, Lauren "Bryce" Smith, Ellen Kimball, Tim O\'Connor, Tim O\'Connor, Beth Boatman, Gisela Chipe and Carolyn Waters, Cate McCall, Leslie Conver, )
(editor: Mark McClintock; artist: )
- 1996 (Peggy Schmidt, Matthew Fleece, Edward Thornton, Elaine Parker, Gisela Chipe, Carolyn Waters, Tim O\'Connor, Joy Henry, Kim Neese, Mary Frances Owens, Bethani Massey, Sandra Erbele, Stacey Painter, Paul Debusman, Colleen Burroughs, Cheryl Davis, Rebecca Cavalcante, Mike Cavalcante, Judy Johnson, Constance Boyer, Ginger Miller, Leah Ryan, Bobbie Thomason, Rick Forest, Leslie Conver, Dorothy Spurr, Wesley Edwards, Michael Haworth, Louise Goff, Carol Lott, Hannah Ryan, Sara Jo Hooper, Katherine Buster, Mildred Burch, Ricky Weibel, John Arnett, Henlee Barnette)
(editor: Bill Thomason; artist: Ruth Ford)
- 1997 (Paul Debusman, CH Writers\' Support Group, Erin McGee Ferrel, Gaye Rountree, Bill Thomason, Ginger Miller, Elaine Parker, Mildred Burch, Blanche Goetzman, Mark McClintock, Hilda Dean, Laura Lea Duckworth, William Johnson, Constance Boyer, Anita Roper, Bobbie Thomason, Class of 2010, Peggy Schmidt, Chris Boyer, Janet Tharpe, Joel Williams, Mary Frances Owens, Dorothy Spurr, Wyc Rountree, Laura Adams, Ron Sisk)
(editor: Constance Boyer; artist: Tom Scott, Sr. )
- 1998 (John Birkimer, Nancy Cavalcante, Hilda Dean, Wendy Dever, Carlie Fogg, Becky Greenlee, Jerry Greenlee, Glenna Hess, Roxann Hieb, William Johnson, Martha Lytle, Elaine Parker, Gaye Rountree, Peggy Schmidt, Janet Tharpe, Bobby Thomason, Tina Ward-Pugh)
(editor: Constance Boyer ; artist: Kit Boyer)
- 1999 (church used a collection of devotions by Nell Mohney)
- 2000 (Lelia Gentle, Edward Thornton, Elaine Parker Akin, Beth Wade, Frank Woggon, Janet G. Tharpe, Mary Ann Bootes, Bob Brocious, Edward Thornton, Wyc Rountree, Louise Goff, Henlee Barnette, Hilda Dean, Fay Leach, Meme Tunnell, Edward Thornton, John C. Birkimer, Mera Cossey Corlett, William M. Johnson, Dorothy Spurr, Cheryl Davis, Sharleen Johnson Birkimer, Edward Thornton, Peggy Schmidt, Beth Ryan, Mary Frances Owens, Chuck Leach, Ron Sisk, Glenna Hess, Gaye Tyner Rountree, Rick Forest)
(Some Youth Meditations: Mera Corlett, Carlie Fogg, Caitlin Goodhue, Philip Hess, Joelle Leiferman, Brandon Davis, Hilary Hoomes, Chris Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Sarah Buster, Ben Creech, Charlie Gritton, Casey Henry, Drew Smith, Courtney Chase, Leigh White, Michael Conver, Morgan Vanhoose) (editor: Lelia Gentle; artist: Colleen Burroughs)
- 2001 (Pat Scott, Rowan Claypool, Peggy Schmidt, Janet Tharpe, Hilda Dean, John Arnett, Nancy Howard, Lance Springs, Beth Wade, Dorothy Spurr)
(editor: Bill Thomason ; typist-layout: Kathleen Brocious)
- 2002 (Fay Leach, Rowan Claypool, Blanche Goetzman, C. J. Phipps, Barry Creech, Martha Lytle, Hilda Dean, John & Sharleen Birkimer, Mera Kathryn Corlett, Bill Thomason, Margaret Graves, Maxine Teel, Gaga Woodward, Edward Thornton, Mera Cossey Corlett, Brian Williams, Gary Millsap)
(editor: Bill Thomason, Janet Tharpe ; typist-layout: Janet Cole; art editor: C.J. Phipps, artist: Tom Scott, Sr.)
- 2003 (Janet Cole, Anita Roper, Mary Neal Clarke, Bill Thomason, Dorothy Spurr, John Arnett, David Cook, Glen Skaggs, Edward Thornton, Bobbie Thomason, Pat Cole, Nancy Howard, Bill Johnson, Margaret Graves)
(editor: Janet Tharpe, Bill Thomason; typist-layout: Janet Cole; artist: Lou Ann Iler)
- 2004 (Elaine Parker Akin [1986], Edward Thornton, Nancy Foil [1979], Sharleen Birkimer, Laura Lea Duckworth [1989], Brittani Massey, Jackie Pendergraph [1988], Brian Williams, Janet Tharpe, Pat Scott, Marv Knox [1992], Chris Conver, Chuck Leach, Glen Skaggs, Mera Cossey Corlett, E. Glenn Hinson, Fay Leach, Mildred Burch [1986], Judy Johnson [1984], Peggy Schmidt, Mary Frances Owens, Kevin Corlett, Betty Cook [1993], Jane Tynan, Laura Adams Henderson [1997], William Johnson, Greg Robertson, Martha Lytle, Hilda Dean [1998], Tom Sherwood, Marjorie Ash, Jenny Goodhue, Paul Debusman, Mera Kathryn Corlett, Samuel Adams, John Arnett, Margaret Graves, Gaga Woodward [2002], Mary Neal Clarke, Tom Scott, Sr., Kathryn Chapman [1995], Paul Duke [1981])
(editor: Janet Tharpe; typist-layout: Janet Cole; artist: Janet Cole)
- 2005 (Beth Wade, Paul Debusman, Glen Skaggs, Fay Leach, Jennifer Johnson Armstrong, Brent Williams, Nancy Howard, John Arnett, Wes Lites, Janet Tharpe, John Birkimer, Chuck Leach, Mera Corlett, Carol J. Phipps, Edward Thornton, Bobbie Thomason, Ginger Miller, Mary Neal Clarke, Katherine Williams, Anne-Britton Arnett, Dorothy Spurr, Margaret Graves, Judy Johnson, Eriko Moriki, Laura Adams Henderson) (editor: Jane Lites, Janet Tharpe; typist-layout: Janet Cole)
- 2006 - an outside published book of advent meditations replaced the local author version this year.
- 2007 - a collection of stories of "Saints of CHBC" replaced the advent meditation booklet
- 2008 (Janet Tharpe, Glen Skaggs, Norma Ruble, Mary Neal Clarke, Katherine Williams, Beth Wade, Betty Schnur, Corinne Pondell Holt, Bill Ratliff, Pat Scott, Louie and June Bailey, Debbie Brashear, Lewis Miller, Dorothy Spurr, Brent Williams, Claude Drouet and Rusty Henle,John Arnett, Peggy Schmidt, David Cook, Melinda Stricklen, Kim Leach, Bobbie Thomason) (editor: Janet Tharpe; typist-layout: Janet Cole)
- 2009 (Nancy Howard, Barry Creech, Adela Chipe, Debbie Brashear, Debbie Williams, John Birkimer, Katherine Williams, Sharleen Birkimer, Paul Debusman, Sarah Jo Hooper, John Arnett, Barbara Allen, Martha Lytle, Carolyn Arnett, Louie Bailey, Mary Neal Clarke; typist-layout: Janet Cole)
- 2010 - an outside published book of advent meditations replaced the local author version this year. People were also invited to use online devotional links such as Passport\'s "Follow the Star."
- 2011 (Corinne Holt, Jason Crosby, Bill Johnson, Andrea Woolley, John Arnett, Pat Scott, Marjorie Ash, Brittani Bair, Roxann Hieb, Dorothy Spurr, Peggy Perkins, David Cook, Sara Jo Hooper, Mera Cossey Corlett, Glen Skaggs, Carolyn Arnett, Peggy Schmidt, Sharleen Birkimer, Debbie Brashear, Molly Mulroy, Mera Katherine Corlett, John Birkimer, Anne-Britton Arnett; typist-Janet Cole, art work - Corinne Holt and Tom Scott, Sr; editor - John Arnett)
- 2012(Mera Cossey Corlett, John Arnett [x2], Bethani Massey, Sara Jo Hooper [x3], John Birkimer, Paul Debusman [1992], Jane Crecelius, Sharleen Birkimer, Brian Williams, Betty Schnur, Diane Robl, Colleen Burroughs [1992], Peggy Schmidt, Jason Crosby, Marjorie Ash, Margaret Graves [2002], Hope Academy, Andrea Woolley; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Andrea Woolley)
- 2013 (Social Justice Team, Margaret Graves, Mera Corlett, Bobbie Thomason, Brittani Bair [x2], Sara Jo Hooper, John Arnett [x3], Lee Whitlock, David Cook, John Birkimer, Jason Crosby, Greg Robertson & Brian Williams, Carolyn Posey, Carroll Grossman, Chuck Leach, Dorothy Spurr, Sharleen Birkimer, Peggy Schmidt, Martha Lytle, Quinn Chipley; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Andrea Woolley)
- 2014 (John Arnett, Brittani Bair, Quinn Chipley, Benjamin Conver, Dixon Martin, Eugena Robertson, John Birkimer, Dorothy Spurr, Sharleen Birkimer, Blake Ragsdale, Margaret Graves, Mera Corlett, Darrell Adams, Chuck Leach, Jason Crosby; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Andrea Woolley)
- 2015 (Dale Tucker, Anne-Britton Arnett, Margaret Graves, Beth Wade, Marianne Taylor, Eugina Robertson, Sara Jo Hooper, Virginia Johnston, Allen Bartlett, Glen Skaggs, Brittani Bair, Jason Crosby, Lee Whitlock, Quin Chipley, Gail Tucker, Dixon Martin, Sharleen Birkimer, Carolyn Arnett, John Birkimer, Greg Robertson, Brian Williams, Dorothy Spurr, Peggy Schmidt; editor - Andrea Woolley)
2016 Dale Tucker, L. Lee Whitlock (2), Peggy Schmidt, Bobbe Crouch, Eugina Robertson (2), Brittani Bair (2), Quinn Chipley, Jason Crosby, Anne-Britton Arnett, Gail Tucker, John Birkimer, Glen Skaggs, John Arnett, Dorothy Spurr, Kevin Corlett, Mera Corlett, Ranti Adenjio
- 2017 (Debra Williams, Greg Robertson, Diane Taylor, John Arnett, Mary Ann Bootes, Annie Hammon, John Birkimer, Sharleen Birkimer (2), Beth Wade, Virginia Johnston, Brittani Bair, Dale Tucker (2), Joyce DeBoe, Rae Taylor, Valorie Horn, Alice Adams (2), Spencer Holt, Diane Robl, Marianne Taylor, Betty McIntee (2), Mary Cook, Carolyn Arnett, Jason Crosby; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Andrea Woolley)
- 2018 (John Arnett (x2), Brittani Bair (x2), Quinn Chipley, Eugina Robertson (x4), John Birkimer, Dorothy Poole Spurr, Margaret Graves, Jason Crosby, Joy Henry, Dale Tucker (x3), Debbie Brashear, Virginia Johnston, Larry Schnur, Barb Allen (x2), Mary Ann Bootes, Gail Tucker, Alice Adams, Greg Robertson, Brian Williams; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Andrea Woolley)
- 2019 (Alice Adams (x2), Anne-Britton Arnett, Carolyn Arnett, John Arnett, Brittani Bair, John Birkimer, Quinn Chipley, Janet Cole, Pat Cole, Barry Creech, Jason Crosby, Margaret Graves, Annie Hammon, Emily Holladay, Dixon Martin, Eugena Robertson (x2), Dorothy Spurr, Dale Tucker (x2), Gail Tucker, F. Lee Whitlock (x2), Brian Williams; typist-Janet Cole; editor - Janet Cole, Andrea Woolley)
Historical reference for pastorates ("installed" and "transition") since 1975:
John Howell (1973-78),
Stephen Shoemaker (Jul 1981 - Aug 92),
Ron Sisk (Sep 1994 - Jun 2002)
Winford Hendrix (Jan 2003 - Aug 2004)
W. Gregory Pope (Mar 2005 - Oct 2011)
Jason Crosby, Bill Johnson, Andrea Woolley -co-pastors (Oct 2011 - Oct 2012)
Jason Crosby, Andrea Woolley -co-pastors (Oct 2012 - )
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Louisville, Kentucky 40206
(502) 896-4425
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