Fulfilling the Promise
Crescent Hill Baptist Church
Advent and Christmas
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the annual Advent devotional book of Crescent Hill Baptist Church!
Every year different members of our church family enrich the season for us with this guide. Each speaks with their own voice, out of their own experience.
This year's theme is "Fulfilling the Promise." As you read, we invite you to consider each day God's faithfulness in you life. Remember those whose kept promises have given you hope, peace, joy and love. And recommit yourself with us to life as the people of the Promise.
Merry Christmas!
Ron Sisk, Pastor
Dear Friends,
We are come again to the darkest season of the year, and yet are looking forward to one of the most brilliant times of the church year, Christmas.
I have greatly enjoyed putting together this book of Advent meditations. I sincerely thank all who wrote for the book this year. And I would like to thank Jane Kent for the listing of Missionary birthdays--many of which she knows by heart. And thanks to Tom Scott for our Advent art. I hope the writings presented here will bless your preparations for the Christ child this Advent.
In His Service
Constance Eddens Boyer
Editor & Layout: Constance Eddens Boyer
Art: Tom Scott, Sr.
© 1997 by Crescent Hill Baptist Church, 2800 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher.
Sunday, November 30
- 10:50 AM Sermon - God's Promise--Jeremiah 33:14-16; I Thess. 5:1-6
- 6:00 PM Advent Concert Crescent Hill Handbell Choir and Instrumentalists
- 6:30 PM The Hanging Of The Greens with the Crescent Hill Music Makers, Young Musicians, Madrigal Singers, Chancel Choir, and Darrell Adams, with the Crescent Hill Interpretive Movement Ensemble. Please bring non-perishable food items.
- 7:30 PM Family Reception in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, December 3
- 6:30 PM Global Missions Emphasis
Saturday, December 6
- 1:00-3:00 PM Olde Tyme Christmas on Frankfort Avenue Christmas caroling on front steps of church with Crescent Hill choirs and handbells - hot chocolate & cider served
Sunday, December 7
- 10:50 AM Sermon - God's Peace--Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 3:1-6
Wednesday, December 10 - 6:30 PM We Love Christmas Musical written and performed by the Prime Time Singers.
Saturday, December 13
- 9:00 AM-1:00 PM FAMILY CHRISTMAS COOKIE BAKE Preparation of cookies for distribution to homebound and community during church-wide caroling on December 2.
Sunday, December 14- 10:50 AM Sermon - Our Joy--Zephaniah 3:14-18; Luke 3:10-18. Music by Crescent Hill ` Madrigal Singers and Young Musicians
- 6:30 PM Christmas Concert with the Crescent Hill Madrigal Singers in costume and Britten's A CEREMONY OF presented by the Christmas Chancel Choir; Carol McClure, harp.
Wednesday, December 17
- 6:00 PM Prime Time Bellringers Christmas carols during Family Night Supper
- 6:30 PM A NIGHT FOR DANCING Music by Music Friends, Music Makers and Young Musicians Choirs with Fifth Graders as readers
Sunday, December 21
- 10:50 AM Sermon - God's Love--Micah 5:1-4; Luke 1:39-47 -- Music by combined Youth/College and Chancel Choirs; Michael Tunnell, trumpet
- 3:00 PM A Community Christmas Service for Bereaved Persons
6:30 PM Church-wide Caroling to Homebound and in Crescent Hill Community
- 8:00 PM Fellowship and Sharing in Fellowship Hall
CHRISTMAS EVE--Wednesday, December 24
- 5:30 PM Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols- Congregational Carols, Chancel Choir, soloists and instrumentalists and readers share in this traditional service.
First Week Meditations...HOPE
- Sun, Nov 30..........Paul Debusman
- Mon, Dec 1..........CH Writer's Support Group
- Tues, Dec 2..........Erin McGee Ferrel
- Wed, Dec 3..........Gaye Tyner Rountree
- Thur, Dec 4...........Bill Thomason
- Fri, Dec 5...............Ginger Miller
- Sat, Dec 6.............Elaine Parker
Second Week Meditations...PEACE
- Sun, Dec 7...........Mildred Burch
- Mon, Dec 8.........Blanche Goetzman
- Tues, Dec 9.........Mark McClintock
- Wed, Dec 10........Hilda Dean
- Thur, Dec 11........Laura Lea Duckworth
- Fri, Dec 12............William M. Johnson
- Sat, Dec 13..........Constance Eddens Boyer
Third Week Meditations...JOY
- Sun, Dec 14..........Anita Roper
- Mon, Dec 15.........Bobbie Thomason
- Tues, Dec 16........The Class of 2010
- Wed, Dec 17.........Peggy Schmidt
- Thur, Dec 18.........M.Christopher Boyer
- Fri, Dec 19............Janet G. Tharpe
- Sat, Dec 20...........Joel Williams
Fourth Week Meditations...LOVE
- Sun, Dec 21.........Mary Francis Owens
- Mon, Dec 22........Dorothy Poole Spurr
- Tues, Dec 23.......Wyc Rountree
- Wed, Dec 24........Laura Adams
- Thur, Dec 25........Ron Sisk
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Consider being a part of us. Visitors are always welcome.
Crescent Hill Baptist Church
2800 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
502/896-4425 Fax 502/896-9855
We would like to hear from you.
Last updated , November 27, 1997