Crescent Hill Baptist Church

United States Armed Services Veterans associated with CHBC

Listed below are persons I have identified who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  The church was organized in 1908, before WWI, but many families had ancestors who fought in previous wars, and I have listed some of them. If you have additions or corrections, contact John Arnett, Thanks.

American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
Many CHBC members have ancestors who fought in the American Revolution and many have memberships in the SAR or DAR
War of 1812 (1812-1815)
Some CHBC members have ancestors who saw action in this war
Mexican War (1846-1848) [often called the Wicked War]
Zachary Taylor (fourth cousin, four times removed of Leila Arnett)
Civil War Era (1861-1865)
Henry Dohrmann ...... Union army  (relative of Samuel Dohrmann)
Phillip Tomppert ...... Mayor of Louisville supporting the Union  [ancestor of Ed Tomppert]
Kenzie Lafayette Routh ..... Confederate in Gordon Regiment (great uncle of Leila Arnett)
James Harvey McNees ..... Union soldier from Indiana (great grandfather of Carolyn Arnett)
Peter Ross Storms ..... Union soldier from Indiana (great great uncle of Carolyn Arnett)
Luke Kennedy ..... Confederate Orphan Brigade (father–in-law of Wallace McKay)
Spanish American War (April 1898 –- August 1898)
George R. Yancey
WW I (1914-1919) [35 members served][*1 death]
Tom L. Barbee [was member of a different church during WWI]
Frank Barnes
Thomas W. Beale
Charles Browne
Arthur C. Bruner
Walter L. Bruner
Dr. Ben D. Choate
Max Christenson
J. Tyler Davis, Jr.
Frank Dohrman [member of another church during WWI]
Howard J. Dohrmann* .....  field artillery (d. Feb 16, 1919, Honningen am Rhein, Germany)
Robert Drescher
Hall Goodwin
James Gray
Arch Harlamert [member of another church during WWI]
Marion Hart
Edward O. Huey
G. Will Huey
S. Lloyd Huey
King Hughes
Bertram Y. Johnson
E. O. Jones [member of another church during WWI]
Stephen S. Jones
H. Thomas Larimore, Jr.
Walter I. Lukenbill [member of another church during WWI]
Lance A. Mantle ..... ambulance driver in France
J. Clark Martin
Roy May
Carl T. McKelvey
Chesney Moore
Chester Owens
Norton C. Owens
Owen Rowland
Frank Schooler
William Schooler
T. Guthrie Taylor
John A. Thomas
Jerry Vallandingham
Noble Waddy
Lloyd Wheeler
George R. Yancey

WW II (1941-1945) [about 140 members served][* 4 deaths]

The names of CHBC members who served in the Armed Forces during WWII are listed below with their branch of service if known. This list includes a few who joined the services after 1945 but were on active duty at the end of 1947. For most of these men a silver star would have been placed on a service flag or gold star if they died while in the service.   At the end of this list is another group of men who were not members of CHBC during the years 1942-1947 but joined the church after the War II.
Bill Akins ....  Merchant Marine
Capt. E.W. Akins .....  Army Medical Corps
John Anderson, Jr. ..... Army
Sam Anderson .....  Army Medical Corps
Robert Morris Atherton *..... Army; died Jan 12, 1945 after wounded in Luxembourg Jan 11.
Tracy Axton
James H. Baker
Robert L. Barker ..... Marines
Major George L. Barnes ..... Army
Capt. W. W. Barnes ..... Army
Howard Batts
Robert C. Bensing ..... Army
John  L. Blair ..... Army [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
Allen Blythe
Edmund B. Blythe ..... Army [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
William A. Blythe
Arthur U. Boone
Winfrey P. Bunton
George Burton ..... Marines
Flight Officer H.D. Caruthers ..... Air Corps (stationed at Bowman Field)
C. Creal Chenault
Jack Chism ..... Navy
Ben D. Choate ..... Army Medical Corps
Ben D. Choate, Jr. ......Army
Ben Ray Clark
Capt. Charles Llewellyn Collins ..... Air Corps
Peyton Colb –- Army Medical Corps
Lloyd Lowell Cook
Edward Cordon
John S. Cordon ..... Army
John B. Cornett [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
John M. Crider
William E. Crouch
Calvin Davis ..... Navy
Roger W. Dean
Ensign Harold Demunbrun ..... Navy
Henry Dixon, Jr. ..... Navy
Austin C. Dobbins
Ensign Walter William Doescher, Jr. ..... Navy [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
William J. Doyle ..... Army
James Warren Drescher ..... Army
Thomas Drescher
T/Sgt Edw. J. Epting ..... Army [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
James H. Evans
Sandidge Evans
A. Leslie Fegenbush
E. A. Ford, Jr ..... Army
Lt. Wallace Coleman Ford * ..... Air Corps; died Mar 26, 1944 in crash at Ft. Worth Field.
Ellis A. Fuller, Jr. ..... Navy
Ray Gatz (wounded in France)
Robert Hamby
Robert L. Hayley ..... Army
First Lt. Charles Massey Hill ...... Army Chaplain
Charles Hoffman  ..... Army Medical Corps
Everett Hoffman
James Hoffman ..... Army
Robert J. Hoffman
Albert R. Hogg
Richard B. Hollinger
Edwin D. Horn
John D. Howard, Jr.,
Harry C. Jenkins ..... Air Corps
J. T. Johnson, Jr.
E. S. Jones
Edward Jones ..... Coast Guard
Robert W. Jones, Jr.
Montrose D. Justice, Jr. ..... Navy
Charles C. Kemper ..... Army
Walker W. Kemper, Jr. .....Army [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
Thomas J. Knight, Jr.
Peyton Kolb
Lt. William P. Kolb ..... Army [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
Ben T. LaMaster ..... Army
William LaMaster ..... Air Corps
James G. Larimore ..... Army
Major F. E. Lippard ..... Army
James Davis Lowery
Woodrow W. Lydey
Hamilton Lyons ..... Marines
Paul McCoy ..... Merchant Marines
Warren S. McDonough ..... Army
Charles Robert McKay
Robert McKercher
Charles Meek
Edward A. Meisburg, Jr. ..... Army
Flight Officer Adrian T. Middleton  ..... Air Corps (stationed at Bowman Field)
Jack Miller ..... Navy
Lt. Dudley Moore ..... Army Medical Corps
William C. Moreland
Hamilton H. Morris, Jr. ..... Army
Ben H. Morris
Billy Neat ..... Army
Martin R. Neel, Jr. ..... Air Corps
William R. Parsons *..... died 1945 [he had transferred membership to another church]
Russell Pelle
Garland R. Pendergraph  ..... Army Chaplain
James Norban Poole
Edwin Walker Powell, Jr ..... Navy
William Preus
Ollie J. Price
Capt. William T. Quarles  ..... Army
Robert N. Quinn .....  Air Corps
Marcus A. Randall (dentist)
John Ray
Willard J. Renfro
Fritz Riley ..... Army
John P. Sandidge ..... Army
John J. Scott
Capt. Witherspoon Scott ..... Army
Otto Seelbach ..... Army
Charles Sellars
Robert E. Settle, Jr ..... Navy
Stanley Lee Smith
Paul S. Snider
Garland J. Spalding ..... Army
William M. Stang ..... Army
Syd Stealey, Jr ..... Air Corps
Paul M. Stevens ..... Air Corps Chaplain
F. M. Stiglitz
Jack G. Stone ..... Army
Darrell W.[or J.] Swope
James B. Tabler ..... Navy
Peyton Talbott
Earl Tankersley
Hoyt L. Taylor, Jr. ..... Navy
John B. Taylor (janitor at church) ..... Army
Miss Katherine Taylor ..... Red Cross (duty overseas)
E. Kerlin Tingle
Samuel Traughber ..... Army
R. B. Trollinger
James E. Tull ..... Air Corps Chaplain
Burton Van Dyke ..... Air Corps, Navy
Don Van Dyke [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
Joseph D. Warren
L. S. Watson ..... Navy [joined after 1945 but before 1947]
William Kiser Weaver ..... Army Chaplain
William  R. White ..... Army
John F. Woodruff
Lt. Col. John Porter Woods * ..... Army (killed in action April 18, 1945, near Erfurt Germany)
Lt. William  J. Woods ..... Army (wounded overseas but recovered)
Fielden Woodward ..... Army Air Corps
Of the above the following served as Chaplains: Charles Massey Hill, Garland R. Pendergraph, Paul Morris Stevens, James E. Tull, William Kiser Weaver.
In addition to these, in Feb 1943, the church voted to ordain Alton W. Greenlaw to the ministry; he later became a Chaplain in the U.S. Army.  He was not a member of CHBC.  In 1943, the church voted to allow these to baptize on profession of faith any soldier desiring baptism with the understanding that you will recommend them for membership in any Baptist church with which they may wish to unite after they return to the United States.
The men listed below were not members of CHBC during the years 1942-1945.  Those listed below either joined the church after the War II or were  relatives of CHBC members.
Donald Allison ..... Air Corps
Kenneth Arbuckle ..... Army
David Armstrong ..... Navy
Walter Wendell Arnett ..... Army (Ghost Army)
Rodney Beck ..... Navy
______ Bellinger....served in South Pacific (father of Annie Hammons)
William Calvert ..... Army
David Conn ..... Army
Edwin Conver...Army (uncle of Chris Conver)
Ellsworth Daniel Cook, Jr ..... Army
Herman Corbett ..... Army
Tom Crecelius ..... Navy
Ollie Derr ..... Army
Charley Dobbins ..... Army (170th Tank Battalion)
Thomas Douglas (dentist) ..... Army
Abe Earle ..... Army
William Edmunds ..... Air Corps
Brig. Gen. Robert Goetzman ..... Army
William Goff ..... Army
Leo Grawemeyer ..... wired LST boats during WWII at Jeff Boat
S. V. Halk ..... Air Corps [uncle of Carolyn Arnett and Peggy Schmidt]
David Harlow ..... Army
Richard Harvin ..... wartime research at Speed Scientific School
Al Hood ..... Army
Edward Jennings ..... Army
Ben LaMaster ..... Air Corps
Wayne Lilly ..... Army
Sam Lyverse ..... Air Corps
Hugh Marsh ..... Air Corps
Freeman Micou ..... Army
Clarence Oakley
James Parrish
Buck Pergam
C. H. Richardson ..... Navy
Sam Ridgway ..... Army
Gorman Roberts ..... Navy
Albert Rohrer (dentist) ..... Navy
Brig. Gen. Ross Routh ..... Army [brother of Leila Arnett with 45th Div who liberated Dachau 4-29-45]
Doyle Sanders ..... Coast Guard
Cpl. John Schuster....Army (father of Marianne Taylor)
Robert M. Shipley....Army (father of Rob Shibley)
Edward Charles Smith ..... Army (father of brother-in-law of John Arnett)
Richard “Dick” Snider ..... Air Corps
Les Snyder ..... Army
John B. Stephens ..... Army
James Tate ..... Army
Thomas Taylor, Jr ..... Navy
Humphrey Thomas ..... Navy (Pacific)
Clarence “Bossy” Thompson ..... worked at Naval Ordinance
Jay Townsend ..... Army
Ray “Bud” Tracy ..... Marines
Richard Treitz ..... Air Corps
Leslie Van Nostrand  ..... Army Medical Corps
Maj. Joseph Warren ..... Air Corps
Col. Raymond Wallace ..... Army
Wayne Ward ..... Air Corps (PBY search and rescue missions... 2000 picked up)
Lt. Sam Weakley ..... Air Corps Medical
Raymond Wieland
Douglas Williamson....Air Corps (father of Bobbie Thomason) Pvt First Class Paul Willoughby [uncle of Sarah Willoughby]

Korea (1950-1953)  [50 members of the church] [no deaths]
William G. Atchison, Jr ..... Marines
Lt. Tom D. Barbee ..... Air Force
Col. George L. Barnes ..... Army
Robert Blinn ..... Air Force [cousin of John Arnett, not a member of CHBC]
Lt. Samuel A. Blythe ..... Air Force
William L. Bolling ..... Navy
Pfc. C. W. Bratcher ..... Marines
Pfc. William R. Bratcher ..... Marines
A/1c Karl H. Bruner, Jr ..... Air Force
Pvt. Edward Budell ..... Army
Pvt. Wm Burton
William E. Bush ..... Navy
Pvt. Henry J. Cannon, Jr. ..... Marines
David A Cleaver ..... Air Force
William Comerford ..... Air Force
Fred Crismon ..... Air Force
John Edgar ..... Air Force [not a member of CHBC during the war]
Lt. James D. Ford, Jr. ..... Air Force
Pvt. Lloyd Fry ..... Army
Charles H. Gatz ..... Marines
Sfc. Charles E. Harper ..... Army
Sherman Harris.....Navy
Cleve Iler ..... Army
Pvt. Paul B. Jones ..... Army
William H. LaMaster ..... Air Force, SAC [not a member during the war]
Sgt. Walter I Lindley, Jr .... Army
Dohn Little ..... Army
Pvt. Roger Logsdon ..... Army
Richard Lyons .... Air Force [not a member during the war]
Pfc. Guthrie Meade, Jr. ..... Air Force
Paul McCoy ..... Army [not a member during the war]
Frank R. Myers ..... Navy
A/B William J. Netherton, Jr. ..... Air Force
Pvt. David L. Oller ..... Army
William Ransdell ..... Army [father -in-law of Anne-Britton Arnett]
Sgt. Lloyd W. Sansom ..... Air Force
John Sandidge ..... Army
Bob Saxton ..... Air Force
Tom Scott ..... Air Force
Pvt. Karl Sebree ..... Air Infantry
A1/cA A. M. Shryrock ..... Air Force
John Burnam Taylor ..... Army
Dan Trollinger
Pfc. David W. Trollinger ..... Army
Ensign William Trollinger ..... Navy
Fred Tucker ..... Army
Pvt. William P. Tucker ..... Army
2/Lt. David Van Dyke ..... Army
Leslie Van Nostrand ..... Navy & Marine Medical Corps [not a member during the war]
A/2c Sylvester Walters, Jr. ..... Army
John A. Webb ..... Army
Nathaniel Webster ..... Marines [janitor of church]
Billy M. Whitlow
J. Stoner Wigginton, Jr.
After Korea  [42 members in the Armed Service] [no deaths]

Many CHBC members either remained in the Armed Services or were inducted in the years following the Korean Conflict because of the peacetime draft which lasted from 1954-1964.  [See comment at bottom]  The Armed Services Committee at the church placed the name of a Serviceman with his address in the Crescent Beams nearly every week and asked the church to write and pray.  The following is an alphabetical list of the names (with branch of service if known) from 1956 until 1961:
Ernest W. Akins, Jr. ..... Air Force Medical Corps
Ensign Larry G. Armstrong ..... Navy (U.S.S. Traverse County)
Col.George L. Barnes ..... Navy
Ralph Beard ..... Army
David Beaumont ..... Navy (U.S.S. Compton, Naval Base-Norfolk)
Sam Blythe ..... Air Force
Glen E. Bradley ..... Army
Leland Browder, Jr. ..... Navy
2nd Lt. Lawrence A. Booth ..... Air Force
Robert A. Burton ..... Navy (U.S.S. Chemung)
Maj. William M. Carrell ..... Army
Jerry King Chappell ..... Army
Dora R. Colbenson ..... Air Force
Hans Copony ..... Army
Ewel B. Cornett ..... Army
George Crimminger ..... Air Force
Fred Crismon ..... Army
Gene Donaldson ..... Navy (cousin of John Arnett)
David Jones ..... Navy (U.S.S. Greenwich Bay, U.S.S. Darby)
Thomas E. Layman ..... Navy
Don or Dohn Little ..... Navy
Thomas S. Markham ..... Air Force
James A. Mitchell ..... Army
Jerry O’Neil ..... Navy (U.S.S. Pocono)
William T. Owen, Jr. ..... Air Force
David H. Pryor ..... Air Force
Robert Pryor ..... Navy
Wendell Pyles ..... Army
R. M. Randall ..... Army
Ronald Gene Rogers ..... Navy, Air Force
Raymond C. Schnur, Jr. ..... Army
Robert Schnur ..... Army
Earl W. Sutton ..... Air Force
William V. Trollinger ..... Army
Earnest M. Tucker ..... Marines, (U.S.S. Bradford)
Furnal Wallen ..... Army
Billy Walters ..... Navy (U.S.S. Merrick)
William Wigginton ..... Navy Air Force

Vietnam Era (1964-1975)
John Arnett ..... Navy Medical
John Barnette ..... Air Force
Sam W. Blythe ..... Air Force, Air Nat’l Guard
Ken Burhans ..... Army
Rollin Burhans ..... Navy Medical
Connie Clark
Bill Cook ..... Marines
Fred W. Crismon ..... Army
Charles Dobbins, Jr.
John Edgar ..... Air Force
Wesley Edwards  ..... Army Chaplain assistant
Major Anthony "Tony" Gates .... Air Force (Brittani Bair\\\\'s uncle)
James (Jerry) Greenlee ..... Marines
Leon Halk ..... Navy [cousin of Carolyn Arnett and Peggy Schmidt]
Bob Hieb ..... Army
Chris Hammon ..... Navy (then C.O.)
Pat Hill ..... Marines
Richard W. Hurt
Thomas Isaacs ..... Marines
Lee Johnson ..... Army (died in the service)
Gail Kolson
Thomas E. Layman
Chuck Leach ..... Air Force (SAC)
Wilfred G. Lockwood
Sven O. Lovgren
Bruce Magee ..... Coast Guard
Doug McCall ..... Coast Guard
John McIntee ..... Navy
Dennis Munzer ..... Marines
Michael Padon ..... Army National Guard
Jim Pool ..... Air Force
William L. Pope
John Saunders
Robert Schnur ..... Army
John Burnam Taylor, Jr. ..... Army
Bill Thornberry
Norman Vaughn
Regan Wright ..... Marines [son-in-law of Leila Arnett]
Bosnian War (1992-1995)

Gulf Wars and Afghanistan (1990-2021)
Andy Bates ..... Army
Kay Bates ..... Army
Glen Bellou .... Air Force
Carolyn Fegenbush.... KY Army National Guard (475th M.A.S.H. unit) in Persian Gulf War
Chris Jones .... Air Force
Matt Laughlin .... Navy
Larry McNown .... Army [Carolyn Arnett’s and Peggy Schmidt’s brother-in-law]
Robert Ransdell .... Air National Guard [Anne-Britton Arnett’s husband]
Glen Skaggs ..... Coast Guard
After Afghanistan….Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Iran, Russia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Southern Border, et al. (2022-    )
Todd Weber ..... Chaplain in the Army
Maj. Molly Smith ..... Marines [niece of John Arnett]
Sue Sue ..... Marines [son of Bea Naw, honorably discharged after 4 years]
Peacetime Draft (ended 50 years ago July, 1973)
Conscription during the 1960s took place under the legal authority of the peacetime draft, because the United States never formally declared war on North Vietnam. Legal authority for a peacetime draft came from the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, signed by President Franklin Roosevelt in order to mobilize American civilian-soldiers in anticipation of entry into World War II. During the Korean War, the Selective Service began the policy of granting deferments to college students with an academic ranking in the top half of their class. Between 1954-1964, from the end of the Korean War until the escalation in Vietnam, the peacetime draft inducted more than 1.4 million American men, an average of more than 120,000 per year. As part of their Cold War mission, many state universities required ROTC training by male students, although campus protests caused administrators to begin repealing mandatory ROTC in the late 1950s and early 1960s. In March 1969 Nixon established the Gates Commission that recommended an All-Volunteer Force.  On July 1, 1973, the draft law expired in the United States when Congress refused to extend it.  (Britannica and other sources.)
Conscientious Objectors
Steve Boardman [CO status] [son-in-law of Leila Arnett]
C.V. Cook [Conscientious Objector and work in Vermont hospital for two years, 1968-70]
Chris Hammon [CO after brief tour with Navy]

Peace Corps Volunteers
David Cook ..... Sierra Leone, West Africa [c.1969]
Richard  and Barbara Cook ..... Panama [Aug 1965-67]
David Graves .... Uruguay [1966-1968]
John and Jenny Graves Weisz ..... Kenya [Sept 1967-69]
Ford Reid ..... VISTA
Jo Carol Walton ..... Guyana [m. George in 1969; Jim Jones...909 mass suicide on Nov 18, 1978]
If anyone knows of a Veteran or Peace Corps  Volunteer who was a member of CHBC (or related to a member of CHBC) but is not on this list or if there are corrections, please contact John Arnett, Revised November 15, 2023

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Louisville, Kentucky We would like to hear from you.

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